Sunday, January 15, 2012

Recycle Paper Bags

As usual, I will have to refer back to my mother for much of my knowledge of saving and recycling.  She didn't know she was recycling or probably never heard of it, but she was the best.  When you have  opportunity to get paper bags versus plastic you can find uses for them.  One of the most prominant one in my mind is when frying, instead of using so many paper towels to drain, use a paper bag folded the size you need and as with the fried chicken in the picture, I had cut one into.  I then used 1/2 sheet paper towel on top to be a little more sanitary.  My mother never had paper towels while I was growing up and we are all doing fine.  
Not only will you be recycling and keeping so much plastic from the landfill, you will save money on paper towels.  As with everything else, we need to find new ways to recyle and be frugal.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Unique Birdhouse Repair

My, what we can learn from children.  Although this is not always the case,  this unique birdhouse repair is one we can learn from.  Always try to use what you have on hand first.

Last Saturday I went to my niece's birthday party.  She turned nine years old and it seemed like yesterday that she was coming home from the hospital.  Well, as I was leaving, I spotted a birdhouse on the front porch.  She had made it from a kit and something happened to the bottom part of it, so she used a bottom to a plastic flower pot to do the repair.  I thought this was a wonderful idea for a nine year old (girl) to think of this.   She also attached it with string.  Is she gonna be frugal like her auntie?  Let me know what you think?

Side view of birdhouse.

Side and bottom view of birdhouse.
Bottom of birdhouse.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Relaxing Cat

I took these pictures one morning when I was on my caregiver morning job.  The sun was shining brightly and I'm sure this felt good to CoCo on a cold morning.  It was like he was in a trance.  Too Cute!  Made me want to take a nap.  It never hurts to relax once in a while. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Dollar Deals

Have you ever shopped Dollar Tree or any other dollar store?  Some great deals can be found at them.  Just like any other "deal"  you have to comparison shop according to  prices or sizes and prices at other retailers.  For short, I have a photo of the items I picked up on my little shopping trip.  Hey, if you're on a budget, you have to find the deals.

The total at the register was a little over $13 including sales tax.  I have comet cleanser, Ragu pizza sauce, back pain patch, hair scrunches, work gloves, Colgate toothpaste, Dial soap(2 bars), Colgate toothpaste gel, Ajax dishwashing detergent, Spic and Span bacterial cleanser, Olives, 2 Rubbermaid plastic bowls and package of pizza crusts.  I regularly shop Dollar Tree for snacks and sometimes hair products, party supplies, balloons and much, much more.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Frugal Activity: Day at the Library

Today was such a beautiful, sunshiny and warm day.  Yes, I know it is the 6th of January, but it was just perfect.  While I was in town today, I was in the area of the library.  The library is such a special place to me.  When we were kids, momma would take us to check out books and it was just such an experience to me.   In high school, we had to go for our research to write papers.  Now we have the internet and it is so convenient we don't have to leave the house.

My daughter's first job was at the library during the summer.   I'm sure that is a special place to her also.

Upon arriving today, I told the attendant I was writing a blog and wanted to include the library as a source.  She agreed to allow me to take pictures and gave me information on some of the programs they offer.  I could just live there I think!  I am including some pictures of our local library with some of the services they offer.  Some of the regulars go in to check their email on the FREE internet service.  Others go in to read the daily newspapers or check on the stockmarket.  I like to sign out or borrow DVDs.  No doubt, they have what you are looking for, no matter the subject.  Some of the subject matter was Dr Quinn TV Series, Wuthering Heights, war movies, history, biographies, educational, Presidents/First Ladies and much, much more, including children/teen entertainment.  My mother will sign out a DVD and has a variety of entertainment she would not have otherwise.  Homeschoolers benefit greatly from this offer.

During my visit, I had forgotten the FREE magazines on display.  These are ones that are out of date or individuals have taken to recycle.  I found some today to share with my brother on flying and planes.  He loves flying as a hobby.  When I dropped them off today, it put a smile on his face and he will now have some new material to enjoy.  My grandson's class at school has been studying the Wright Brothers and I found one with an article on that subject.  He will be pleased.  I hope one day to take him to the Wright Brothers Memorial at Kitty Hawk, NC.  He will appreciate it much more now that he has studied  the subject.

Besides the FREE magazines, they have up to date ones that you can go in, take a seat and enjoy during the extra hour you have between appointments..  Once again it is tax time and if you have not ordered your forms or not doing them on the internet, they have multiple stacks of forms.

While browsing, I saw various books with information from a standard catalog of Information on Baseball Cards to college information.

Winter is just the right time for the toddlers to enjoy the library.  Start them early loving books and education by using the resources at our local library.  Story time on Tuesdays for wee ones (birth to 2 yrs. old) for 15 minutes in the morning.  Following that, is toddler time (3-5yr. old) for 30 minutes.  No doubt they will enjoy the songs that go along with the story.

One of my favorite areas to visit is The Local History Room.  If you like to do research on the state of NC or searching out your family tree, this is the place to go.  Someone is usually there to assist you in your research journey and introduce you to areas of your interest.

Later this month, The Friends of the Library are holding a book sale.  This is a fund raiser for the volunteer organization, which in turn uses those funds to support library projects.

I hope you have enjoyed the results of my little trip today.  Remember there is no charge for these services, unless you keep a book, DVD or CD until it is overdue, then you will have fees for that.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Baby Goats

It all started Christmas Eve day.  We had a darling little baby goat born.  The next day we had another born.  As of Monday this week we now have 8 new babies.  They are so precious and it will be very difficult to see them go, but we can't keep them all.  We'll just have to enjoy them while they are with us.

By the way, this is a fun way of making a little extra money or having fresh goat's milk.  My husband does all the work with the feeding and watering.  He won't admit it, but I think it is just one more of his little hobbies.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Frugal Tips

I would like to share some frugal/cheapskate (another word for frugal) suggestions.  I don't do all these, for instance, it will have to get really bad for us to use one vehicle only.  However, in some situations this may be something you can use  with your own family.  What works for you may not work for your neighbor or friend.  

  • Own one car
  • Try a Smaller Car
  • Live in a Smaller House
  • Rent instead of Buying a House
  • Buy Used
  • Eat Out Less
  • Eat Out Frugally
  • Take your Lunch to Work
  • Have a Limited Wardrobe
  • Do Not Buy Clothes That Have to be Dry Cleaned
  • Don't Go Shopping For Recreation or Fun
  • Cut Off The Cable
  • Cut Off The Internet
  • Carpool
  • Sell Your Stuff
  • DeClutter
  • Stop Using Credit Cards
  • Pay off Credit Cards
  • Combine Errands
  • Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions
  • Recycle
  • Stop Impulse Online Buying

These are just a few ways you can save money and time, while creating extra time to spend with  family or for activities you enjoy.  I will be adding to the list in the days to come.  Remember, you may not be able to do all these, but maybe take one and try it.  You will be surprised what you can do and what you can save in doing so.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Happy New Year!  It is a beautiful morning in Eastern NC.  The sun is shining and it is Sunday,  and we will be going to church.  What a wonderful way to start the new year of 2012.  If we ever needed God it is today.  This is not popular, but this is my life and I must include it.

In the following days, I will be posting ways to save money, earn money and live frugally with what we have.  We must make use of every available source wisely.  The American dream as we have known it, is a thing of the past.  Our minds must be reprogrammed to live as productively as we can possibly make it.

When I was young and my life was open before me, the sky was the limit.  A young man or woman could go out and get a job very easily.  Some of the choices for the young were, filling station attendants, factory work, retail sales (there were many other stores & choices besides Walmart), working on farms,  fast food restaurants, waiters in restaurants,  grocery store baggers, and after school sweeping floors at a local small corner grocery store.  Today we do not have the gas stations who need attendants, the factory jobs, retail sales except Walmart, the farms are equipped with machinery and migrant workers, many local restaurants do not have the waiters or waitresses as before,  or no corner grocery stores.

Where do we go from here?  Of course a good education is the foundation of landing a great job, but they are not even available now.  The jobless statistics are only from the ones who are filing for unemployment.  What about the ones who have run out of the unemployment income?  Sounds bleak to my ears.  We cannot depend on the government because we know the government is living on borrowed time and money.  As I have already stated, reprogram your mind, and I will add, daily habits and the way of life as we have known it to be for years.   You may not be to this devastating point in your life.  You may have a great job and everything is going well, but I believe from my research, that this will change for all.  I sound very pessimistic, I know, but I believe it is reality.

We need to buckle down and determine in our minds that we are going to make it through these most difficult times.  What a way to bring in the New Year.  I know how this must sound, but we are going to make it through all the challenges that lie ahead.

Happy New Year!