About Me

I consider myself a very frugal person, out of necessity at times and it is a passion of mine. Being a mother and grandmother, I have had various experiences in life.  If I can be of any help to someone else without all the hard knocks, it will be worth it all.
I live in a small town in North Carolina.  My husband and I had an appliance, furniture, electronics and used auto store for several years before his retirement.  About a year before his retirement, I worked as a bank teller.  That lasted for about four years and I decided to take a better way of life.  I now am a caregiver or sitter and I clean houses.  It is such a difference!  I should have done it years ago.  The stress level is much less and you can get out and work part time or have breaks between jobs.  It is wonderful.
We also have chickens, ducks and goats.  We have a garden and can and freeze for the winter months.
I love to sew, read, work in the church and the list goes on.  I am a born again, spirit filled Christian, awaiting Christs' return.  Believing we all will live eternally in one of two places, heaven or hell.  The choice is ours.

PLEASE NOTE:   I do not personally post the ads you see on my blog.  They are not always my choice.  Depending on the content, I may have to limit ads.  Please use your discretion.